REMSAD Regional Modeling System




The REMSAD version 6.4, 7.03 and 7.06 download packages have been split into multiple pieces to facilitate transfer over slower connections.  Each segment is a tarred, gzipped file, and must be run first through gunzip and then through tar:  Some basic unpacking, installation, and execution instructions are provided below the table.  The User's Guide for each version may be downloaded from the Information page.

There are three sets of downloadable files presented in three separate tables.  These tables are entitled Source Code, Model Inputs and Postprocessing, and Sample Results.

Please note the "For Version" column, which indicates which pieces must be downloaded for each version of REMSAD.  Also note that changes in use of cloud and rain liquid water in version 6.4 and up typically result in reduced sulfate formation and increased wet deposition of gas phase species (as compared to version 6.3).

Utilities and Input files originally released for version 7.02 can be used with version 7.03.  The only differences are in the REMSAD code itself. Those downloads labeled 7.0X can be used with 7.02, 7.03, or 7.06.

In addition, spatial plots of the sample outputs are provided for download, in GIF or PNG format, bundled together using WinZip®.  GIF and PNG files may be viewed in any browser.  WinZip® can be obtained here.

Source Code

Item For Version Description Size, MB
remsad8.03.src.051123.tar.gz 8.03 Source code for REMSAD version 8.03, plus corresponding run script. Click here to read what's new about version 8.03 <1
remsad7.06.src.030625.tar.gz 7.06 Source code for REMSAD version 7.03, plus corresponding run script. Click here to read what's new about version 7.06 <1
remsad7.03.src.020909.tar.gz 7.03 Source code for REMSAD version 7.03, plus corresponding run script. Click here to read what's new about version 7.03 <1
remsad7.03rm.src.020909.tar.gz 7.03rm Source code only for REMSAD version 7.03rm.  REMSAD version 7.03rm is the same as version 7.03 except it can handle a lesser number of Mercury or Cadmium tags in order to reduce memory requirements.  Please try this version if you are having memory problems with version 7.03.  Uses same input files as version 7.03. <1
step4_fst_for7.03.tar.gz 7.03 This is the updated subroutine responsible for the improved performance of version 7.03.  Users of version 7.02 who do not wish to download the entire new package may replace their current versions of step4_fst.f with this one. <1
step4_fst_for6.4.tar.gz 6.40 Users of version 6.4 who wish to obtain the benefits of this improvement without otherwise upgrading may replace their current versions of step4_fst.f with this one. <1
remsad6.40.src.020723.tar.gz 6.40 Source code for REMSAD version 6.40, plus corresponding run script and sample postprocessed outputs. <1


Model Inputs and Postprocessing

Item For Version Description Size, MB
pts113.tar 7.10 Source Code for a utility provided to allow creation of point source emissions files that make use of the tagging features in REMSAD 7.10. Click here to read about this utility. <1
remsad7.06.etc.040116.tar.gz 7.06 Utility source code, postprocessing jobs, "other" inputs and sample postprocessed outputs. 1.85
remsad7.03.etc.030130.tar.gz 7.03 Utility source code, postprocessing jobs and "other" inputs  <1
remsad6.40.etc.030131.tar.gz 6.40 Utility source code, postprocessing jobs and "other" inputs   
remsad6.40.emiss.020311.tar.gz 6.40 One weekday January 1996 low-level emissions file 9
remsad7.02.emiss.020723.tar.gz 7.0X One weekday January 1996 low-level emissions file 9
remsad.ptsrce.020311.tar.gz 6.40, 7.0X One weekday winter 1996 elevated point source emissions file 41
remsad.met.020311.tar.gz 6.40, 7.0X Meteorological input files for January 1, 1996 57


Sample Results

Item For Version Description Size, MB 7.06 Spatial plots of sample postprocessed outputs. <1
remsad.outtest.7.06.060714.tar.gz 7.06 Binary and ascii output files, 1 Jan 65 7.03 Spatial plots of sample postprocessed outputs. <1 6.40 Spatial plots of sample postprocessed outputs. <1 7.02 Spatial plots of sample postprocessed outputs. <1


Download problems?  Please contact the Webmaster.

Instructions for new users:

  1. Change your working directory to an area with at least 500 MB of free space.

  2. Issue mkdir remsad to create a REMSAD directory.

  3. Download the appropriate tar.gz files from the table above, place them into the remsad directory, and change your working directory to remsad.

  4. Type gunzip *.gz to unzip the tar archives.

  5. Issue tar -xvf *.tar to unpack the tar archives.

  6. Delete the .tar files, if desired.

  7. Go into the run directory, and edit all.test_[version].job using a text editor such as vi or emacs.

  8. At the top of all.test_[version].job, change the working directory to the directory you are in.  Save and exit.

  9. Go up one directory and down into postp/jobs.

  10. Edit the postprocessing jobs to set the working directories.

  11. Change directories to remsad/src/remsad[version].

  12. Type make to compile REMSAD.  Please note: REMSAD has source lines longer than 72 columns.  The code should be compiled with the -extend_source or comparable option to avoid errors.

  13. Go up one level and down into the extract directory.

  14. Type make to compile Extract (a postprocessing tool).

  15. You are now ready to run the REMSAD test case.  Run all.test_[version].job.

  16. Model output files will be placed in remsad/output/jan.

  17. Change directories to remsad/postp/jobs.

  18. Run xyex.daily.pms.all.job, xyave.sum.pms.job, and xyave.ave.pms.job, in that order, to produce gridded average concentration files for a representative set of species for the modeled day.

  19. These files will be located at remsad/postp/output/pms/jan.

  20. Pre-generated versions of those same output files are located in remsad/postp/output/pms/jan/sample_outputs_[version], for comparison purposes (versions 6.40 and 7.06 only).